Yesterday morning I finally finished my application to Western. I got a warning that the application would be deleted if I didn't finish it by today, so I did the final push and worked out the rest of it. Less stressful than the first application, but still weird to do. This one is also for January, but they accept applications until November. It just seems like a much more reasonable, equal application process.
Honestly, the thought of moving to London, Ontario freaks the crap out of me. It's much more daunting than a move to Edmonton or even Japan because I don't know anyone there and I've got no setup. Sure, a few friends are in Toronto, but it isn't close enough to pop over for a visit when the weight of the world starts bearing down on me. As it sometimes does. But I suppose I will just worry about that if it comes down to it.
I also asked for a few more references for the UBC application to make sure I get in for next September at the least. The one librarian did a full interview with me and I felt like maybe she wasn't the best person to ask for a reference. It was more work than doing the application. But she does know people who have some clout in this program, so maybe it's worth the effort. Now if I could just get them to like me enough to squeeze me in January...
Currently listening:
Greetings From Michigan: The Great Lakes State
By Sufjan Stevens
Release date: 01 July, 2003
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