Thursday, July 21, 2005

blind, or something like it

Current mood: recovering

This morning I had the worst contact experience ever. I put in my left eye and all of a sudden *shooting pain*. I couldn't adjust the contact with my finger because I couldn't open my eye, but the pain was so intense it felt like someone was ripping my eye out of its socket. After 5 minutes of excessive tearing and eyelid spasms, I finally managed to get my lid open enough to drag the contact around and get it into the right place. Seems it got stuck on my lid and wouldn't shift into place. Damn contacts. It's times like these I wish I weren't blind. Or damn close to it.

I worried for a minute I'd have to put my glasses in jeopardy for my games tonight.

Last night I went to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on an IMAX screen. So big, so colourful, so creepy... I loved it, especially the new Veruca Salt song. A pretty, pretty movie.

Currently listening:
The Best of Blondie
By Blondie
Release date: 25 October, 1990

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