Monday, July 4, 2005

from hell to helsinki

Current mood: thrilled

I just got some snail mail today. Last week I decided I needed a copy of The Melons' "From Hell To Helsinki" and, since my "friend" wouldn't send me his copy, I was forced to look elsewhere (actually, the link to Damaged Goods to buy it new, which was very nice of him to send me considering he instantly denied me his copy, even though we've been friends for a really, really long time and it was, like, our favourite song, but isn't his anymore; I mean, he doesn't even really like twee that much anymore; is it me? it's me, isn't it?). It was a surprisingly fast transaction. The package was sent from DG London last Tuesday and it was here today, holiday included. That's fast for regular, un-rushed mail. And it's gotten me all excited again about ordering music by mail order. I can't remember why I stopped. I love this 7". It's the best thing ever.

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