The last while I've been working more than usual, trying to juggle a few jobs with increased requirements and time on the job. Perhaps due to my lack of sleep/proper nutrition, I find myself filling up on crap. Not food-related crap; cultural crap.
I've always been a bit weird about pseudo-entertainment news programs like Entertainment Tonight and TMZ. When I don't want to think (which is pretty much any time I'm not at work these days), I turn to these trashy "news" sources to keep up-to-date with things that, in the whole scheme of things, don't matter. By and large, these people aren't doing anything more significant than what I do. They just have a lot of money and stylists and cameras fixed on them all the time.
One thing I've been following unconsciously is the dating drama of the Jonas brothers. This probably started ages ago when People was readily available in one of my workplaces and Miley and Nick broke up the first time. I can't pinpoint it exactly. Their publicists were just *so good* at getting them into entertainment news that they always seemed to just *be* there all the time.
I was surprised to hear these boys have (had?) promise rings, showing their commitment to their virginity. Like Brittany Spears. And Jessica Simpson. Like being pure means just not having sex. I keep hoping a sex scandal will come to light and another child star can fall. (I don't know why I want complete strangers to become tarnished. Perhaps jealousy. Perhaps it would be nice to see people in the spotlight appear to struggle through life like the rest of us. This is why I feel for LiLo.) And I have every confidence, if it's going to happen to a Jonas, it's going to be Joe.
See, the problem with Joe is he keeps dating famous girls. And he inevitably does something dinkish to end these relationships, which means the other person, being as famous if not more, has the same access to the media. When he broke up with Taylor Swift by cell, there was no way that wasn't going to get out. Because she's so charming, she totally made him look like a jackass. (No idea if he is. He is, however, the least talented of that family.) Today Demi Lovato mentioned how disrespectful it is that he's brought his latest girlfriend (some girl from Twilight) on the tour the brothers asked her (read: agents) to join. Is it necessary to have your girlfriend with you constantly for months at a time? No. Is it a good way to piss off your ex-girlfriend, whom you have to work with every single day for months? Yes. And, yet, this 18-year-old Disney talento is behaving significantly better than the 21-year-old dinkwad she dated. So I'm really rooting for Joe Jonas to, literally, fuck up.
If not with this latest girlfriend, then the next. Let's see... The next one has to be a singer, right? That's his pattern? Singer, actress, singer, actress...
Why do I even care about this? Why can't I sleep more so this won't be in my thoughts ever again? How the hell am I going to work 13 hour days for another week?
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