I've alluded to the fact I'm working more than usual the last while. It's just what I need to do to get stuff in order and done. I hate it, though. I don't like sleeping for 5 hours, if I'm lucky, and eating one meal a day. Can't wait for next Thursday.
The thing is I've also done extra stuff to ensure I don't have a second to myself. I'm volunteering for OLIO Festival on Friday night and there are a couple of afterparties I'd like to check out, meaning very little sleep. On Saturday I'm volunteering for the Vancouver Specials tour and hoping to get to the houses before they close. I'm also trying to not have to resign from one of my on-call jobs because my availability is so sketchy. (Note to self: lie the next time someone asks you your availability. Honesty results in phone calls and emails.) And I have to put in extra hours at one of my jobs to catch up from illnesses/days away/the Olympics that have accumulated since March.
To combat this jam-packed schedule, I've turned to artificial means to see me through. Not drugs, at least not illegal ones. I'm on The Coffee. But it isn't really having much of an effect. I chugged a tepid milky, sugary coffee this morning and I'm still feeling a bit sluggish. I was going to take one of those iced coffee packets from Sbucks (and by take I mean drink), but then worried that much coffee in my bloodstream might cause my heart to explode out of my chest. Still... I would like to stay awake until my workday ends later tonight...
I still don't see myself carrying a coffee mug around, drinking The Coffee daily or even weekly. The amount of cream and sugar required to make that stuff palpable makes it less coffee, more melted coffee ice cream.
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