Thursday, September 24, 2009


Tonight on my way home from my last night shift for a long time, waiting at Main & Hastings after my bus couldn't wait the 10 seconds it would have taken me to finish running across the street, I had to avoid the gaze of a drunk older man who noticed me and waited for me to look near him. I saw what he was doing and purposely didn't look, but he still stumbled over and started talking to me while I had my earplugs in. The questions were questions he could have asked the couple standing nearer to him or the man behind me. But no... He felt he needed to ask me.

Normally I'm pretty tolerant and will be polite and have a short conversation in such instances. But 10pm isn't a time I'm willing to chat with random strange, drunk men at Main & Hastings. I'm sure he was a pleasant man and all, but I was obviously not in the mood to talk and said as much when I said I'd like to go back to listening to my music. He then asked if he could ask me a question and I just said no. He seemed startled, like of course I would say he could ask a question. The problem is I've had that sort of situation happen before and I know the question would have made me VERY uncomfortable and possibly pretty angry. Thankfully his bus came and off he went, sitting next to a young woman on the bus when there were empty seats everywhere.

I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but what makes drunk men honestly believe that slurring stuff my way is going to entice me? Who does that work on? Because it's pretty obvious I'm not drunk and not looking to pick up when I'm avoiding eye contact and not answering questions. Or maybe it isn't...

1 comment:

hag said...

ahh fun times! Just so you know, it's not you, it's him!