Friday, November 28, 2008


My tea/coffee intake has gone up drastically lately. I almost never have either because of my cat's tongue and because most hot drinks hurt my stomach. Tuesday morning I had one of the best cups of coffee ever (I *heart* Bodums) and the last couple of days I've tried to have tea in the evenings to calm me down and to soothe my stupid throat.

The soreness has increased to the point that I can't ignore it, nor can it be overtaken by Cold FX. I'm going to test the whole hydration thing, to see if drinking vats of hot tea can make a sore throat go away faster. Just my luck that this hits when I have a few days off. The peppermint tea feels really nice.

While preparing my tea this morning, I realised that my favourite cups, the Totoro ones, are Noritake! I don't know why I didn't clue in to the sound of my spoon tapping the sides of the cup, the ring normally associated with china. (These were one of those random gifts I got every few months for some random reason that I didn't understand, and one of the few that made it back to Canada AND that I haven't had to get rid of yet.) And this reminds me I have to get a couple of settings of china before Christmas. I'll have to see if there are sales at the department stores... There were some lovely tea settings at Sears for 50% off, but they're still $60 or something ridiculous like that. Sigh.

I wish it weren't raining today. I wish Solly's weren't so far away; I could do with some matzoh ball chicken soup and bagels today. I wish a space heater magically appeared on my living room floor when I awoke this morning. I wish these boxes would unpack themselves and the pictures would hang themselves. I wish my throat weren't scratchy. I wonder who I got this from...


Glasto Geek said...

Do you ever post your food wishes on your blog and then someone appears at your door bearing the requested food items? That would be so awesome...though probably a bit creepy too.

ric-rac said...

It has happened only once, but I can dream...