Friday, November 9, 2007

ongoing suckage

Every day feels like an OK day waiting to go bad.

Today I thought things were OK, except I was tired and bored at work, and nothing of any significance happened. Then I came home and discovered that my rent cheque went NSF on the first of November. Haven't heard anything from my landlady, but I'm horrified about it. I have to go to the bank tomorrow and figure out what happened because there was a less than 3 hour window where there may not have been enough money in the account, but nothing should have been processed in that time. Sigh. It's sad that I have to fight about $35, but I need the money.

Plans were cancelled tonight and no interest in doing the mounds of homework that I have to do. I was half-planning to see "The Big Lebowski" at the UBC theatre ($3 White Russians!), but my friend decided he was broke and that ended that. I was also sort of thinking of going to a shed party at my school friend's house, but she seemed non-commital about actually being there, so I think I should just stay in. Maybe it's time to watch all those DVDs I took out the first day back to work. Half of them have holds on them anyway.

Tonight I ate peanut butter chips and toffee chips for dinner with milk. I think there are vegetables in my fridge, but they don't look very appetising.

I need a break from my life. It's getting me down.

1 comment:

ric-rac said...

I also put the wrong postal code on my online order for socks. I'm not sure if my socks will ever arrive. Sigh.