Friday, November 30, 2007

also known as

I'm changing schedules at work (ya, ya, I know I should be doing just work, but the computer programs I need to actually do my job are down for another 20 minutes) and noticed that a new name was haphazardly added to the schedule. We had a discussion about having a practicum student in next week (whom I met at a class breakfast on Wednesday), so knew it was her. But looking at the name... I realised it was wrong.

The name: Patty Labelle.
The real name: Shannon Labelle.
My supervisor's name: Shannon.

So, essentially, my supervisor entered a large, African-American woman's name (a famous singer, no less) instead of a small, white girl's name that is the same as her own.

I find this outstandingly amusing. I've shared this with a couple others in my office and we've all had a good laugh. But now I suspect I should change it. Sigh. It would be funny to see the look on the student's face when she saw she was listed as Patty Labelle. Though that would be mean and a terrible way to start two weeks working with people.

Besides, there's still the desk schedule...

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