Tuesday, May 1, 2007

eer schporr dirr...

Now that I have all this time on my hands I have to think of things to fill it. This is significantly harder than you would imagine, as I'm pretty used to having stuff to do for almost 17 hours a day. And I'm not that creative.

Yesterday was my first Monday night off in months and so I decided to cook some soup. While the soup was simmering, I decided to make some rice for dinner and, in the midst of that, decided to make extra for coconut rice pudding (I need to remember that I am not a big fan of raisins in rice pudding, but almonds are fantastic). Then I decided that, since I had some frozen bananas that should probably be used up soon (spring cleaning also involves the fridge/freezer), I would try the banana cupcake recipe again with the cheap Easter chocolate thrown in to get rid of it (I also made a no-bake chocolate cheesecake thing on Sunday night which used up half of it).

That cupcake recipe is so heavy; the cupcakes feel like paperweights. But they do taste pretty good, even without icing. The soup (cabbage, potato and chorizo) is really yummy and the little dollop of mustard gives it a nice little kick. The coconut rice pudding smelled amazing and, even though I don't like warm rice pudding, was so good. Success all around!

I've decided to try out recipes exclusively from food blogs for the next while, just to change my shopping/cooking routines. I often think my friend Alana's recipes look interesting, and the ones I've remembered to try were really tasty. The soup and the coconut rice pudding come from Everybody Likes Sandwiches, and those are really flavorful recipes, too. And you already know about my fascination with cupcakes at Cupcake Bakeshop.

Food blogs seem like a more honest account of how recipes are, since the person has to actually make them and then report on the success. I can't imagine someone lying about how good or bad their recipes turned out, or lying about ingredients. Cookbooks sometimes suck because you don't know who wrote the fricking thing or how much editing the editor did to it (which is why I have recipe books I don't even bother making recipes from; I just look at the pretty pictures and look for better recipes elsewhere) because something just isn't right.

Also, I love leftovers, so cooking full recipes means yummy for days, or weeks if I decide to freeze stuff (which I often forget to do and just eat stuff for two meals a day). [My friend doesn't have a microwave, so doesn't cook more than a meal's worth of food ever. Isn't that sad?]

The Swedish Chef would be a fantastic food blog, don't you think? Since his talking is so indecipherable.

I've got a homegame at my house tonight, allegedly, so might vacuum the house this morning before work. No one in this building needs sleep, right? Are cupcakes weird to dole out during poker games?

Currently listening :
Love & War
By The Pets
Release date: 04 January, 2007

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