I am reluctant to write anything this morning. Still, it's 4:30am and I'm wide awake, so might as well do something. I should probably be making inroads into my assignments, but I can't think clear enough right now to make that happen. Sleep will not come and I resent it.
Yesterday I got back from visiting my parents for a few days. It was a good trip, but I'm glad I didn't stay the full weekend. There is a lot of stuff going on around there that I couldn't be around much more without getting more emotionally involved. I did see my dying uncle, which was good yet terrible; it's hard to see someone wasting away when so many of your memories of that person are of them as a vibrant, so alive person. It is also hard to listen to my dad talk about his brother to other people who ask. I never want to have to tell people that my siblings are going to die.
On Easter Sunday (was that just yesterday?) I went to church with my parents. Their priest is a youngish Filipino priest who loves singing. He did a solo after Communion, a Josh Groban song that he sang last year as well. He said he found a song he wanted to do, a Backstreet Boys song (I am not even close to kidding about that), but he couldn't find piano music in time so would plan it for next year. I was one of the youngest people there, so I'm not even sure how many people knew who he was talking about when he mentioned BB (though my mom did and it's not like she's really in the know about that sort of crap). I've become a C&E Catholic and, right now, I'm OK with that.
The weather was lovely at home. I went without a coat for the first time this year and almost wished I'd packed a skirt. It was 24'C when we arrived. The remaining orchards (a significant number have switched to vineyards to meet the winemakers' demand) had fruit blossoms popping open: apricots, cherries, peaches, plums. Seasons are much more pronounced there and it is one thing I always liked about living there. One of the only things, really.
While home I did do a bit of drinking. Saturday afternoon we went to the meat draw at my home branch Legion. It's nice to go to a bar and have people know you by name no matter how often you go there. We had beer and clamato, and none of us won anything. It's become a tradition. In the evening my siblings and I met up with our cousin and her husband to catch up and to get out of the house. We went to the Sage, the more popular bar in town, though it was with some reluctance. Weekends follow a pretty similar pattern to the ones I remember when I was of legal age and home for a summer: generally it involves crying girls, public barfing, and bar fights. I wanted to make sure I got out of there before anything happened because, when drunk enough, everyone who lives in that town is a potential brawler.
The night before I was supposed to leave town for the weekend I went out drinking with my co-workers because one of them is leaving for grad school. For some reason we started mixing beer and liquor (including suggestions from the server - big mistake), and this resulted in my inability to get home safely on my own (plus I just missed the bus). Thankfully my friend made sure I got home, but then was too drunk to get home as well so slept on my couch. I managed to get enough water in me, but he didn't and was in rough shape in the morning. I felt horrible forcing him out in the late morning so I could leave town, but we left two hours late as it was. Note to self: never drink that much again. I have pictures and video of boob closeups. That doesn't need to be documented.
Going to try to sleep.
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