Monday, August 21, 2006

mr. hockey

I think Gordie Howe walked past me as I waited for the bus yesterday morning. Is it possible he's only 5'6" tall now? I swear it was him.

He lives in Vancouver, as far as I know, since he owns part of the Vancouver Giants and is always at the games. I just can't imagine him living in my neighbourhood. He wasn't carrying a bag or anything. Just him walking up the street.

My brother-in-law is a paramedic and likes to inform me that my neighbourhoods are unsafe. This neighbourhood, apparently, has a drug treatment facility a few blocks away. Would Gordie Howe live near a drug treatment facility?

My friend lives in Dan Bejar's neighbourhood and sees him around. Another lives downtown and runs into actors constantly (including Dick Van Dyck!). Me? Well... I like my neighbourhood just fine, but it would bring it up to a whole new level if Gordie Howe lived near me.

Or, you know, if Blair and Heather would move into the neighbourhood, that would be rad, too.

Hey, did you hear the Dudes on that Rogers commercial? I mean, it's no Skatomatics in Telus commercial or Paper Moon in "Falcon Beach", but still.

Currently listening :
From a Basement on the Hill
By Elliott Smith
Release date: 19 October, 2004

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