Wednesday, August 23, 2006

four eyes

Tonight I picked up my new glasses. I look super nerdy, more than usual. It probably doesn't help that I'm wearing a shirt that says, "I rule" with a ruler above it.

Me = nerd. Or me = dork. (Which is worse? Being a nerd or a dork? Did Millhouse say that nerds were smart? I want to look smart.)

I am not afraid to say that I bought my glasses at Costco. The frames were really cheap and I still like them. And I'm used to getting glasses at unconventional places. The last glasses I bought in a train station in Japan. Those lasted me more than 4 years and are still tolerable.

Costco is not my friend, though. Just because I bought glasses doesn't mean I like going there. It made me share in the purchase of turkey pepperoni, mini burgers and bread with my card-holding friend, and a box of granola bars and a bag of potstickers for myself. I am not convinced I need any of it, but the damage is done. Seriously, who buys mini burgers?!

Tomorrow I'm hoping it's sunny because these are transition lenses and I'm hoping they don't look all '70s porn or anything, but that they are sort of sunglassy. I am fearful of cataracts. I think it's supposed to rain tomorrow, so it could be a while before I can see if the lenses work.

When I figure out how to resize photos (without a real photo program) small enough to be uploaded I'll post pictures of the glasses. And part of my face, maybe. Or will just wait until I get a copy of Photoshop from my friend and resize and post then. Or see if someone else can just take a frickin' picture of me so I don't have to take pictures of myself all the time. Geez.

I'm fine.

My snapdragons are still alive (!!!!) on my patio. So far, there are white-ish yellow flowers (yellowish white?) and fuschia flowers, with another clump of something preparing to bloom in the next week or so. Do you think snapdragons could live indoors, too? Through the winter? I want some plants to live at least a year before they all decide to die.

Did I mention my co-worker ran down a mouse in our workroom with her rolly chair? Apparently the body was still warm when the maintenance guy came by to dispose of it.

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