Monday, July 3, 2006

don't leave your baby with me

Last night I went to the Night Market with Tangiene and her J-friend Miyuki. The plan was to stuff our faces full of all sorts of yummy foods and look at poorly-made Made in China goods. We succeeded, but then Tangiene had to take it up a notch.

She discovered, among the booths of crappy crap, a frightening collection of toy babies. These were no ordinary babies. No, they were special battery-powered babies. Babies who stood up, babies who rocked in chairs, babies who climbed chains. Miyuki and I encouraged her to get one, all the while laughing hysterically. She carefully picked the one she wanted, the chain-climbing baby, and made sure it was in perfect shape. The woman at the booth said they had a deal of two for $10, but Tangiene decided to stick with just the one.

Big mistake.

We got back to Tangiene's house and immediately went to work to hang the baby in the window. The plan was to freak out the neighbours with a baby climbing up the window. The nail was pounded in, the baby hung, the nail moved, the baby rehung. We were all pleased with the placement and settled in to listen to the little song about a rodeo that the baby played while climbing. Then disaster.

The baby really swung himself around while he climbed. It must have been a lot of effort to climb up and down, up and down, up and down. Tangiene went into the kitchen to scoop out some ice cream and raspberries while Miyuki and I enjoyed the baby. I was about to take a picture when the baby must have gotten scared and leapt out the window. Miyuki immediately yelled, "The baby! The baby fell out the window!" and stuck her head out the window. I followed and looked down to see the little plastic body lying on his back, silent. We scream laughed and noticed a small cluster of neighbours on the opposite corner staring up at us. More laughing ensued.

Tangiene went to collect the body while I tried to document the incident, but I was shaking so hard from laughing that all the pictures are blurry. She brought the unnamed baby back upstairs and we surveyed the damage. His body was cracked and he no longer climbed, but he still played the music. More documentation as she taped him up with masking tape and poses to remember the good times, and we sat back and ate ice cream and raspberries.

Anyone want to go to the Night Market again before August? I feel partly responsible for the accident, not watching the baby closely enough while he climbed in front of an open window on the second floor, and thought a new, creepier baby would be nice.

Currently listening :
AGAS (Ain't Going Anywhere Soon)
By Kleenex Girl Wonder
Release date: 13 July, 1999

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