Wednesday, July 19, 2006

broken hearts unite

Over the years, I've noticed a correlation between a few factors in my everyday life. I am one of those people that can't have it all. The fates or karma or whichever entitiy that controls my life (because it sure as hell isn't me) likes to step in and give me a swift kick to the ass when something is going right.

If I have a windfall of money, something bad happens between friends or a love interest. If I get a new job or a surprise opportunity, someone stops talking to me. If I'm dating someone, I will have some ridiculous surprise payment that will cause me to be broke for an extended period of time. This is not being melodramatic; it is fact.

Fact No.1: A long-distance boyfriend phoned to say he wouldn't be visiting when planned and two days later I got a bunch of high paying shifts at a job I barely ever worked at and a new job offer.

Fact No.2: The first time got accepted to university I was sort of dating someone. Within a week of finding out about school he decided we should just be friends.

Fact No.3: I started dating a guy and a few days later had to get major dental work that broke me for a few months. When I finally got back to normal we broke up because he met someone else.

Fact No.4: I got an unexpected tax return bonus and two friends stopped talking to me within a couple of weeks.

Fact No.5: This time when I got accepted into school a friend I've known for over a decade stopped talking to me within days with no indication why, despite the fact we had talked just a few days before I found out about my acceptance.

The trend is that the money stuff always seems to work out, but the personal side doesn't. I mean, it's completely possible that I am unloveable and am only good at being a workhorse, but my work ethic is poor so I don't think that explains it. All I know is it keeps happening and I wonder at what point I'll have to become a crazy cat lady (despite the allergies) who lives in seclusion and gets her groceries delivered to her house and gets put on the Meals-On-Wheels program. I figure I'm about two broken hearts away.

My apartment buzzer still doesn't work.

Currently listening :
It's Hard to Find a Friend
By Pedro the Lion
Release date: 03 November, 1998

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