Saturday, January 14, 2006

the other side

I've finally done it. After what seems like years (actually, that may be true, all things considered), I've finally not only gotten a new (to me) computer, but a Mac. I know, I know... Once you go Mac you never go back. I feel like a newly blind person trying out the walking stick/cane for the first time. Tenative because I don't know if I'm going to fuck something up.

I did actually wonder about that today, what I would do if I woke up and was suddenly blind. Could I dial a number for help without making a million mistakes? I've figured out whose number I both know and could easily figure out on my phone if blindness strikes me, so I feel OK with the initial realisation. I think I worry too much about my failing eyesight. I'd probably worry less if I had some fancy new glasses. Do you think blind people would wear glasses just because the glasses were cool? Though I suppose they would have to go by the advice of a friend, whose taste in glasses could be questionable. I mean, what if they didn't know that friend was angry at them that day and made them buy some crap glasses?

One thing that is obvious: I need to get some speakers. Music through a Mac Mini is sad. It's missing something, like volume and tone and bass. You know, stuff that makes music sound good. But it's nice to have music audible that is neither on a personal CD player with crappy earphones nor on cassette. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE mixed tapes and still have a vast collection of cassettes from various bands I still listen to in varying degrees. But there's an easiness when given the option to listen to CD or cassette, or vinyl for that matter. I've missed my CDs.

The one problem with this computer, and it's not really a problem per se, is that the girl I bought it from (thank you, Craigslist) loaded a more current OS than the disks she gave me, so I still have her name all over the place. I deleted her music collection (didn't spend much time combing through it when I saw Spice Girls and Three Doors Down; they're just not something I'd want to listen to) and some other stuff, but I can't actually get rid of her name until she gives me a copy of the OS she loaded. Can I? I mean, it won't let me do anything to get rid of her stuff. It's just doesn't seem to be an option.

I can say it's nice not to look at a red screen anymore. I mean, red is great and all, but when I said, "I see red," while looking at my old computer I really meant it. OK, it was a lighter shade of red, a blush if you will, but it was a colour that made the computer nerds at the computer fixing place gather around like moths to a flame, so intoxicated with the colour were they. Nerds... so rad.

Currently listening :
You Could Have It So Much Better
By Franz Ferdinand
Release date: 04 October, 2005

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