Monday, May 3, 2010

making the cut

The last couple of weeks I, thankfully, haven't had to think much on Monday morning. Weird, frighteningly unusual Sunday motivation has meant new dresses completed in the evening, ready for the worst morning of the week. Today's dress, while cute as far as fabric goes, is probably not going to be worn a whole lot, unfortunately. This makes me a bit sad since I had high hopes for it.

Problems with this pattern:
1) the stand collar, while cute, makes me look like I have no neck;
2) said-stand collar is lined with interfacing, yet it's on the bias, so I couldn't make it fit with the main dress part because there was no give, resulting in weird bunching on the dress part near the shoulders;
3) the closure instructions at the back give conflicting instructions/images from previous steps, resulting in a bit of a mess;
4) the pleats in front don't wholly line up with the centre front, meaning weird extra fabric that has to go somewhere, but should have been planned for before it came time to sew it;
5) dress is much too full, giving the impression my ass is much larger than it actually is, which, I grant you, is rather full at the best of times (can you call asses voluptuous?)... Still, I don't want it even bigger; and
6) it makes my ladies-in-front look pretty enormous, which is not what you want to put out there at a married-male-dominated workplace.

But now I know that this pattern needs some work and I can figure out how interested in doing alterations I am. (Chances are I'm not that interested.) I've plotted out another one that will require me to make a decision on lining (to line or not to line), so I'll have to check what lining options I have before I start cutting into it.

Rachel was over on Saturday and was impressed by these projects. If I really stop to think about it, I guess I sort of impress myself that I'm able to make things that I can later wear. Just knowing the problems makes it feel less impressive, and when I wear my clothes I am acutely aware of the errors above anything else.

Did I mention I bought more fabric this weekend?

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