Wednesday, January 13, 2010

baby, give it to me now

This week is just dragging, isn't it?

My computer isn't cooperating with me, refuses to boot up, and is causing me great anxiety at the possibility of having to replace it (goodbye, idea of Wii). I know we've had a good run, but I would rather not have to replace it. I don't need the newest technology; I just need something reliable in a Mac form. Will see someone tomorrow night to see what they can figure out.

Last night I met up with Terry for coffee (as a verb, not a noun) and got the copy of Grease 2 that he picked up for me. We had fruity things to drink because neither of us have been sleeping particularly well and thought caffeine would just mess everything up. Nice chat, as always, and when he dropped me off he said I would probably stay up and watch the movie anyway. I denied it.

My laptop still works (though won't connect to the internet for some unknown reason), so I sat up in bed for a while and scrolled through my favourite chapters. Seriously, some of those songs kick ass. "Reproduction" and "Let's score tonight" come to mind immediately. The whole thing looks a bit more current than 1961, clothing and all, and I can't believe how brutally hot Maxwell Caulfield is in that. (Have you done an image search for him recently? Not as adorable as he was in that film, but married Hayley Mill's sister when he was 18 and is still married.) Freaks me out that it came out when I was 9 and I watched it so many times that I knew most of the dialogue and all the songs (we had HBO; it was on for almost a month).

It also points out that having a thing with a mysterious cool rider might be better than getting to know some dorky guy who won't live up to my expectations. Where does one locate one of those?

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