Oh geez, I am broke. I took out a bit of money for the birthday dinner of one of the bridesmaids, thinking the leftover money could see me through to my trip this week. No such luck. It was fun and all, but I have a huge gripe: freeloaders.
We had sangria at my friend's house before we took taxis to the restaurant. The couple in my taxi shorted me and the other girl a couple bucks each for the taxi. Fine, whatever. At dinner they had the most expensive meals, appetizers and twice the number of drinks, yet still put in the same as everyone else, totally shorting the rest of us by at least $20. The same situation for drinks after dinner, but by that point I just didn't care anymore and put in just enough to leave a bad tip for our horrible waitress and ditched before they put in their money.
I know I'm not the greatest tipper sometimes, but, holy crap, $20 short for dinner is a massive amount. Obviously you know what you've consumed is twice as much as everyone else; pull your weight, for cripes' sake. I had no interest in talking to them after the dinner incident.
Other than that... I wore the most recent dress to work today, a pixel-looking A-line dress with poorly placed pockets that I threw on as an afterthought. It's not so bad; I like the pattern. Someone suggested it looked homemade in a Main Street sort of way; like it probably cost a lot. Just wish I had my serger serviced so I could finish the edges better. It's going to start unravelling like crazy. I didn't get home early enough (or sober enough) to tackle the third dress. As much as I'd like it done, I have to hold off. Drat.
To screw you on the taxi fare AND dinner and drinks is completely heinous. They can't be unaware that they're doing it...a couple that does that must come up with stiffing strategies?
I'm not sure, but I hope I never see them again. They were dreadful.
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