Last night when I got up from my futon-that-passes-as-a-couch-type-thing I heard a loud clunk. Looking under, I found that one of the smaller poles that forms the bed supportive system fell off. Structurally it's still fine, but it might be time to look for a new sofabed.
Not like things falling off my futon is a new thing. Screws and bolts have been falling off this thing for years. I'm almost certain the whole contraption is held together by just one screw and is going to fall into a fiery mass any second. (I realise it's unlikely that a futon will spontaneously combust, but things like that happen on TV and my life is sometimes similar to a soap opera, so it's possible. IT'S POSSIBLE.) I'm not hoping for this to happen; just saying the futon is precarious at best and a death trap at worst.
So now I have to look for a replacement much more seriously. I don't want a crappy sofa that will look like crap in a month. I should probably make an investment like an adult and get a sofabed that looks like it didn't come from a dumpster. My fear of bedbugs and people's bad taste keeps me from craigslist (and the fact that people often think their furniture is still in such great shape that they can charge what they paid for it) and I don't want to wonder what was done on the sofa before I bought it.

The thing that causes me pause is that buying an adult sofa implies some interest in stability and someone who is considering leaving town probably shouldn't be looking to drop a load of cash on large pieces of furniture. So... not sure what this means.
At least now I have something to keep beside the bed to beat intruders to death.
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