Tonight I went to Nardwuar Nite at the Ukrainian Cultural Centre in Strathcona, specifically because my friend Polly gave me a heads-up about the surprise guest.
Bands played. I've seen all of them before: Thee Goblins, Kellarissa, Lois, The Pack A.D. and The Evaporators. They were all fun to watch, but I was anticipating the extras.
I was excited to see Andrew WK and he played three of his own songs, then played a Leather Uppers cover (that will be on a split single with the Evaporators next year). Apparently he's a fan. Then Wimpy Roy from the Subhumans came out to sing and to promote the re-recording of Incorrect Thoughts. Then Randy Rampage from DOA came out with his flowing blond hair that made me think about a pro wrestler from the '80s who had an orange tan. Then Jon Card from SNFU/DOA/Subhumans came out and banged on the drums. Then they all punked out with "Fuck You."
It's hard to believe it's been 30 years since the Vancouver punk scene really started.
My ears are totally ringing and I'm pretty sure the damage is permanent. There were a bunch of little kids at the show and I think I should probably get construction earmasks so I don't get any deafer. Being deaf sucks.
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