Wednesday, May 21, 2008

booze is good

While in Astoria, my friend bought beer knowing that I like it. Unfortunately, my gum surgery was still quite painful (it was just a week after the slash-and-staple) and I had to take Tylenol 3s for most of the visit, which meant I couldn't drink. The one regret I have is not drinking the 6-pack of Brooklyn Lager because I like the idea of regional drinks and it was sitting right there in the fridge, waiting for me to notice it.

Luckily, after doing a wee search of the BCLCB's website, I see that I can purchase Brooklyn Lager somewhat easily with just a little bit of a walk. Sure, it isn't available at my beloved Kingsgate location, but the Main & 28th and both Cambie ones do have a few packs. Really, I shouldn't give out this information because I know some of you regular readers are boozehounds (no offence) and will buy out the store if given half a chance. There are over 200 packs in the lower mainland, so I feel somewhat secure that I can get some somewhere.

What I really need is an inside track on Archers. The BCLCB doesn't stock it, but summer tastes a whole lot better with an Archers and lemonade. I could suffer through Pimm's and lemonade, or the Pimm's Cup, but Archers... That's what I really want. It tastes like summer; boozy, boozy summer.

Tomorrow I graduate from school and will have a drink with my lunch, just because I can. I wonder if my fire fighter friend will force Jager shots again, like usual... Is it unprofessional to do shots at a convocation luncheon with your profs nearby?

I volunteered to take librarians on a pub crawl tomorrow night, in conjunction with the Canadian Library Association's annual conference, so I'll be able to see how good of drinkers librarians really are. They've got quite a reputation for being heavy drinkers (and I'm not even joking), but I want proof outside my current sample. And I want a good reason to drink on a Thursday, even if it is with complete strangers in pubs I would not necessarily go to on a Thursday anyway (though I would happily go to the Railway, and that is the last stop on the crawl).

On Friday I am going to my guybrarian friend's start-of-gin-and-tonic-season graduation party and bought a second bottle of gin, just in case the first one runs out. I neglected to buy limes and/or tonic, but that can be done at the last minute anyway. I love gin and tonics.

I had coffee with my friend this morning and we discussed how much we like booze. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?

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