Sunday, April 23, 2006

mish mash

Odds and ends.

Mates of State were awesome on Friday. They almost make me want to get married. I say almost because I don't play any instruments (yet; the bass thing could still come together if I could remember what HC said about smaller scale ones) and so that whole dynamic of bonding or fighting on stage would be missing. But I'm also not sure that's a really strong reason to want to get married, and most people don't say they want to get married to play in a band with their spouse. Nevertheless, they were fun and really liked each other the whole time and I like them. The Plaza is a weird venue, especially since they let regular dance clubbers in towards the end of the show. Apparently these are the people that think moshing is fun.

When I went back downtown for the show I took Skytrain. Wish I hadn't because two girls got on at Main and one sat beside me. They were obviously together, but the other stood near the door and they kept looking at each other. As soon as the doors slid closed the show started. I guess they wanted the train to believe this was a chance meeting between two classmates from university since they announced it loudly. Then the one said she had a great job promoting a new hair product. I refused to look, instead staring out the window, willing my stop to come faster or that a freak accident would stop the talking. I think the girl beside me took off her hat and the other put product in her hair at some point. Then they talked about where you could get free samples. I made a mental note to avoid that area of town like the plague (though how do you avoid the plague? I never quite got that phrase). I looked around the train and there were no people the age group these girls were obviously targeting; it was mainly salarymen in suits, all looking weary and tired. None of them even acknowledged the demo when the girls got off to meet a herd of similar-looking girls at the next stop. I resent sound pollution, especially in small, confined spaces where you can't get away from it. I think the answer to this problem is this: I need to look crazier so people won't sit near me on public transit.

Yesterday I went to a large hardware/home improvement store and got some storage bins for my impending move and so things aren't just plunked into cardboard boxes anymore (or at least a couple of things won't be in cardboard boxes anymore, though the idea of lining my walls with storage bins is somehow intriguing). I mention this whole thing only because I discovered something exciting. I didn't like the idea of waiting in line behind 5 people with large, unwieldly stacks of 2x4s, all trying to maneuver them onto the scanning table. My safety was in question. So my sister wandered over to the self-checkout area and said something like, "Oh, but you have to use cash or debit." Not sure what form of currency she thought I'd be using, but I tenatively edged out of line, careful not to accidentally bump into the wood, even though that would have been sorta comical, like a whole comedy of errors thing or silly-looking chain reaction or maybe something like the whole mouse trap game which somehow ends with someone getting pushed out of the store or trapped under an upturned jacuzzi. The self-checkout was fun. Scanning! Following directions! Touching computer screens! These are things I like when outside the work context. And it was so easy that I finished checking out before 3 of the guys who had been in line ahead of me.

Anita also took me to the recycling depot so I could get rid of the bottles/cans I've been wanting to get out of my house but hadn't because I don't like dragging green garbage bags the 5 blocks to the grocery store. Call it vanity. It reminded me a little bit of going to the grocery store when I was a kid and having to cash in the cans my dad collected around the golf course while he was golfing. (I'm still convinced he got a golf cart specifically for holding cans, though our golf course is hilly and involves a couple of ravines, so in theory he probably could have needed the cart. I sure did like driving it. Which reminds me... A high-school boyfriend's friends actually stole a golf cart, drove it around town for around 3 or 4 hours unseen [except when they parked it at the house party we were at to show us], tore up the golf course doing donuts, and then dumped it into the canal that ran through his town [he lived in the next town over]. For months my dad would bring it up, like I had a hand in it or something, saying what a shame it was that kids got away with that. But I didn't crack! Maybe I should get into espionage... Eventually the guys did get caught and one of them was sent to a halfway house for troubled young men and was never the same again.) Right. Cans. I hated taking cans in when I was a kid, but there was something pleasing about counting them out this time. It was $8 worth, which was disappointing because it felt like $30 worth, but whatever. By the by, my dad collected so many cans that he bought a new golf bag, new golf shoes, binoculars, and a fishing rod. Then I moved away and am not sure what he's bought because the cans were a traumatic point in my formative years and I try not to ask too many questions.

Yesterday we also had a mini Ryan Reynolds marathon, watching "Waiting..." and "Just Friends." OK, I have to admit that I laughed my head off for both, the latter moreso than the former, and sorta have a crush on RR. Sigh.

I'm just listening to the stack of stuff I got from Poppolar (my computer doesn't like links, so go to and check out the plethora of exciting stuff from the far-reaches of the world. Lots of fantastic Swedish, Spanish, Brazillian, etc. bands, and Erico is super rad at suggesting stuff) and realise everything I got is good. This is not always so when purchasing CDs; I'm attracted sometimes by cover art and am cheated when the music is not given the same effort by the band, though I'm sure they did their best, but it doesn't match the cover art. But all this stuff is good. I'm fearful if I visit the website too often I will blow all my savings on CDs instead of stuff like tuition or a desk. Can I tell you I love Johan Angergard? Love him. He's in a million bands and all of them are good, Club 8 being my fav. Just listening to Acid House Kings and my mood has improved greatly. He's swoony.

Oh, if anyone wants to get together to do low-key home-based screen printing (or a reasonable alternative) in the next while let me know. Summer is coming fast and I'm tired of my current t-shirt collection. And if you want to go look for crappy used t-shirts to turn into better t-shirts using patterns/ideas from "Generation T" I'd be down for that as well.

Currently listening :
Sing Along With Acid House Kings
By Acid House Kings
Release date: 13 September, 2005

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