Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Current mood: pissed off

I just give up. Friends wanted me to plan stuff for my birthday because they thought I shouldn't not do anything, even though I would be fine with not even acknowledging the stupid day. But, no, I plan stuff on two days and half the people who wanted me to make plans for my birthday can't even come. The other half haven't responded one way or the other. So what's the point?

I will never, ever, ever make any plans for my birthday ever again. Because, really, I shouldn't be doing it in the first place. I don't want to celebrate it. I just don't care enough to make any effort.

I'm totally angry at the world.

Currently listening:
By Gaze
Release date: 10 February, 1998

Monday, October 24, 2005


Current mood:drowsy

I got a bunch of apples from my cousin's orchard and decided to try something different. I put cheddar cheese into the crisp part of my apple crisp. It's awesome. Cheese is dreamy.

Currently listening:
Boxing Hefner
By Hefner
Release date: 18 April, 2000

Friday, October 21, 2005

fear of babies

Current mood: unmotivated

Holy crap! My friend, the one in Japan that took over my job there, sent an email chronicling the surprising new developments in her life since I last saw her in August. Suffice it to say I was completely, hand-over-mouth shocked.

She's been dating one of my J-friends for three years. They were maybe going to get married eventually. No rush. No immediate plans. In the hours after I sent her off drunk on Canadian beer things changed rapidly...

Starting with pregnancy tests and ending in marriage, she had a few things to tell me. And it's pretty freaking exciting to know that, in less than a year, I'll be able to see her, her husband, and her new baby when they come for a visit/reception.

But it also made me realise how terrified I am of being pregnant, in the same way I'm terrified of being buried alive and being stuck in a sinking car. I have zero interest in having children. None. And I'm not even close to ever wanting to be pregnant. Which makes me wonder if there's a gene that makes people want to be pregnant and have kids, because I lack it. And that's OK with me. Babies scare me. They're, like, a longterm committment. I get bored easily. My attention span is short. I like to be alone sometimes.

Also, watching hockey games with a Frenchman is amusing. Tonight we're going to see the Giants vs. the Rockets. Rad.

Currently reading:
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (Vintage)
By Dave Eggers
Release date: 13 February, 2001